Reminder – Open Forum Tonight
Reminder – Open Forum Tonight
You are warmly invited to the Churches Together in Sudbury and District Open Forum meeting at St John’s Methodist Church, York Road, Sudbury on Wednesday 7th December 7pm for 7.30pm, in the church building. (Please note change of venue.)
The speaker will be Revd Hannah Bucke, a Methodist Minister who is doing pioneering work in Southend on Sea. Hannah has no building or congregation as such, but is the town centre minister, her ‘office’ is a town centre coffee shop and her ministry includes work with local shops and businesses, supporting the homeless and vulnerable in Southend and acting as chaplain to the Adventure Island theme park. Hannah is also involved with ‘Icons on sea’ a group that seeks to share the Christian story through the arts. Hannah will be speaking on ‘moving into the neighbourhood’ and sharing her experience of ministry without walls.
See the agenda and finances-report. See also the minutes of the last meeting.