Welcome to the website of Churches Together in Sudbury and District, in Suffolk, UK.
In October 2022, we adopted the strapline One Church, One Faith, One Lord to clarify our purpose.visit website
We are an active group of more than 25 churches, meeting regularly for prayer, worship and discussion. We run or support many local community initiatives including Kettle & Fish, where you will find refreshments, spiritual support and information about our activities, most Thursdays from 10am to 1.30pm.
Please ..read more Read the full story »
Articles about a variety of issues including fair trade, the environment and international justice.
Prayer Breakfasts resume after the August break.
Please note a change: this Saturday, 7 September, we will be at Sudbury Baptist Church.
There are changes for 21 and 28 September, too.
We meet on Saturdays from 8 to 9.30am for a light breakfast, a time of fellowship and a time for prayer.
Do join us if you can. You will be most welcome, whether you have never been before, or have not been for a couple of years, or are a regular!
The revised list for September ..read more
Kettle & Fish is next open on Thursday, 12 September. Please do drop in and see us then. We will be serving the same delicious food and providing the same friendly welcome as always, 10am to 1.30pm at Suffolk Road Church, next to Aldi.
The dates for the coming weeks are:
12, 19, 26 September.
10, 17, 24, 31 October.
As always, dates may occasionally change at short notice.
Please ensure Kettle & Fish is publicised in your church – great food, an opportunity to ..read more
The leaflet for the four weeks from Sunday 18 August 2024 is here .
Time to Pray is needing a new Editor from November! If you value this source of prayer nudges and/or feel you could provide a new approach, please contact Eleanor Ridge or Malcolm Snow via Church News ctis.news@gmail.com . God stretches us with new beginnings. Do you have one in mind? Could you share your heart’s longings here?
This Saturday, 14th September, 10.00am – 12.30pm at St John’s Methodist Church Hall, York Road, Sudbury.
Join us as we mark the midway point of Fairtrade Fortnight (9th – 22nd September 2024) with a special Fairtrade coffee morning.
Donations will go to support the work of the Fairtrade Foundation.
Try out some of our favourite bakes made using Fairtrade ingredients.
Find out where you can pick up fairtrade goods.
Discover why Fairtrade is so important for farmers, communities, and the environment.
Please display the ..read more
From Alan, Secretary of the Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns.
Patrick is a Fairtrade tea farmer from Kenya who has visited Suffolk several times. This month he will visit Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds, Beccles and Lowestoft. A schedule of events is here . Any changes or additions to the schedule will be posted on the member page of the Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns website https://suffolkfairtrade.org.uk/ , access code Fairtrade99. The events marked with an ..read more