St Gregory’s Church
Denomination: Church of England
Address: Gregory Street, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 1BA
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Church website .
In the first instance, please contact our Administrator: or 07776 955 306 (new number from 20 August 2024).
Minister: The Rev’d Andrew Doarks
The community of St Gregory’s welcomes new members. When people cannot attend church in person, the team are using post, phone, email or the internet to maintain contact. To join, please email .
Service Times
8.00 am Holy Communion (Third Sunday of the month only.)
10.00 am Parish Eucharist
11.00 am Holy Communion
Other Activities
The church is no longer open each day. In addition to services, the church is sometimes open for private prayer and for visitors. You are most welcome to come in and look around and to make use of the Prayer Area at these times. For other days, visitors making a special trip to Sudbury, perhaps to see Simon’s head, are advised to make an appointment via the parish secretary.
Tuesday 7.30pm Bell Ringing Practice. New ringers are always welcome.
Contact or 07956 456126.
Third Thursday at 2.30pm each month, resuming from 20 April 2023:
Fellowship Meeting at The Christopher Centre, Gainsborough Street,
(Variations in June, July, August and December.)
For details see
or the Weekly Parish Newsletter.
Thursday 6pm Meditation (in church).
Choir Practice – enquiries to Parish Secretary.
First Saturday of most months, 10.00 am to noon:
Coffee morning in church.
Second Saturday of most months, 10.00 am to noon:
Hand Bell Ringers, in church.
Study groups (in members’ homes) – enquiries to Parish Secretary.
More information can be found in the Parish Newsletter and in posters displayed in the church porch.
Prayer 48 – A report from May 2011. A similar event was held 12-14 June 2015.
A truly blessed experience at St Gregory’s as people undertook 48 hours of non-stop prayer.
Take a look at the photos from the various prayer stations which focused on the Lord’s Prayer.
Every household in the parish had the opportunity to have prayer said for them – whatever their need or circumstance. Leading up to the event, and in order to attract people’s prayer requests, some 5,000 invitations were delivered to homes throughout the parish.