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Muslim – Christian dialogue in Sudbury

9 May 2012 3 Comments

Muslim – Christian dialogue in Sudbury

Saturday May 12th: 1pm – 2.30pm at St Gregory’s Church Hall, by invitation.

See Flyer and Report.


  • Roger Pullan said:

    Rev Keith Horton sent me this quotation by the Swiss theologian Hans Kung, which is most appropriate:

    “No peace among nations without peace among the religions. And no peace among religions without a greater dialogue among them.”

  • Sheelagh Ruse said:

    I wonder who heard the radio program of a Muslim being interviwed this week re his work to prevent Muslim youth being radicalised to join malitia overseas? He was a lovely, lovely man. I came in halfway so I don’t know whose program it was…probably radio 4.

  • Peter Sebbage said:

    I refered to “Recent Comments” and surprised to find, what I thought would be an interesting comment on “Christians in dialogue with muslims”, instead taking me on a journey to Utility warehouse.com
    I cannot quite see the correlation between an extremely productive meeting with our muslim compatriots and my gas supply.