Kettle & Fish
The Kettle & Fish at St Peters Church, Market Hill, Sudbury, was a Christian presence in the centre of the town, open most Thursdays since 2005, until St Peter’s closed for major refurbishment in September 2021.
Kettle & Fish continues in Suffolk Road Church most Thursdays except the first of each month (9.45 am to 1.45 pm).
Suffolk Road Church is next to Aldi and only a short walk from North St & Girling St car parks.
Here you will find spiritual and physical refreshment. We offer:
- Tea, coffee, soup, toast, sandwiches, filled rolls, quiche, scones, cakes
- Opportunity to talk with friends
- Information about local churches and other Christian Activities
- ‘Listeners’ available to talk to
- Prayer corner
Fairtrade and other occasional stalls (crafts, missions, etc) are currently suspended, due to lack of space.
The dates for the coming weeks are:
8, 29 August 2024.
12, 19, 26 September.
10, 17, 24, 31 October.
As always, dates may occasionally change at short notice.
Sudbury churches work together to serve the community.
If you have any questions contact:
Ruth Ridge 01787 204364 or
Andrew Dixey 01787 377644.
I think that your organisation is wonderful – bringing like-minded
christians together. I often visit St. Peter’s on a Thursday but I have missed the lovely lady who makes and sells the greetings cards.
I have looked for her for the last four weeks and sincerely hope that she is well. If not please we send her our love and our prayers for a speedy recovery. It would be fantastic if I could have an
e-mail to let me know when she will be back.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Faithfully yours,
Kathleen Biss