Sudbury marks the 2009 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The week runs from 18 to 25 January 2009.
Details for the Sudbury area are:
Sunday 18 January, 6.30 pm – United Service at United Reformed Church, School Street, Sudbury.
Monday 19 January, 12.30 pm – St Andrew’s, Great Cornard.
Tuesday 20 January, 7.30 pm – Sudbury Baptist Church, Church Street.
Wednesday 21 January, 12.30 pm – St Gregory’s, Gregory Street, Sudbury. Soup & rolls afterwards.
Thursday 22 January, 12.30 pm – Friends Meeting House, Friars Street, Sudbury.
We are invited to bring our sandwiches for lunch together afterwards; drinks will be available.
Friday 23 January, 12.30 pm – Sudbury Catholic Church, The Croft. There will be a soup and roll lunch afterwards.
Saturday 24 January, 8 – 9.30 am – Cornard Christian Fellowship, Broom Street. A light breakfast followed by a time of prayer.
Sunday 25 January – the week will be concluded in our own churches.
The theme for 2009 is Reconcile Your People.
Ezekiel 37:15-28: God spoke to the Prophet Ezekiel and said “they shall be one in my hand…They will be my people and I shall be their God”.
And so we pray:
We pray to you for the unity of all Christians
According to your will,
According to your means,
May your Spirit enable us to experience the suffering caused by division
To see our sin and to hope beyond all hope.
God, you alone are our hope
You alone are our hope
Each year the theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is developed by one country which produces outline material that is adapted for use in other parts of the world. Korea is the selected country for 2009 and they have chosen Ezekiel 37.15-28 and have prepared material to be adapted for local use. The Four Nations Writers Group for Churches Together in Britain and Ireland has adapted this material, which is available as a free download from .
Good to see so many people (130?) on Sunday night, for a moving service.
I sensed real joy in the two meetings I went to this week, and the soup lunches were a valuable chance to meet new people & chat to others.
This was the first time, since retirement, that I have been able to attend so many (all but one) of the gatherings. How blessed we are here in Sudbury with our friends in CTiS & District! My only regret, that more people don’t come and share in our Fellowship and Witness in this area. How do we draw others into a sadly divided body of Christians? At least here we can show that we respect and enjoy the diversity of forms of worship. No reason that all services should be the same, surely? Sometimes, for some people, the Silences of the Quaker Meeting House are what “speak” to us; at others, we want to burst into SONG! “Vive La Difference” in forms of worship also, provided we work together amicably for the same goal. After all, what sort of body would be all hands? Kali?
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