St John’s Methodist Church
Denomination: Methodist
Address: York Road, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 1ND
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Tel: 01787 373185 (Church)
Minister: Rev Ruth Ridge
Tel: 07447 091182
Service Times
10.30am Spark Club (young people’s worship and activities)
10.30am Sunday morning Worship
1st Sunday of the month
10.30am All Age worship
3rd Wednesday each month
11.00am Holy Communion Service
Other Activities
NCT Parent & Toddler Group
Parents and toddlers meet in the Hall between 9.30 and 11.30am on Wednesday mornings for games, singing, and fun.
Playbox – St. John’s Nursery
Learning through play for children aged 3-5 years.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9.15-11.45am
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 12.30-3.30pm
The Spark Club
Every Sunday morning 10.30 am except when there is a Family Service. We enjoy games, drama, stories and we have a music group.
A Maranatha Meeting is held at the home of one of the members on the third Tuesday each month at 7pm. All Christians are welcome. Maranatha is a nationwide network of Christians who meet regularly for prayer, praise and worship and a time of sitting quietly before before the Lord.
The 8 O’clock Club
A friendly club for ladies of all ages which meets on the first Tuesday of the month.
Men’s Monday Club
This discussion group meets at the homes of members alternate Monday afternoons at 2.30.
Women’s Fellowship
Meets on Tuesday at 3pm in the Wesley Room. An hour of fellowship for older women with speakers or entertainment.
Hobbies Club
Every other Monday morning, 10.30-12.00 noon. Members do their own craft while enjoying fellowship. Anyone needing instruction or help with a craft is also welcome.
The Choir
Leads the worship at St. John’s, singing hymns and anthems. Rehearsals Friday evenings 7.30 in the Wesley Room. We sing at weddings and visit other churches in the area for special occasions.
The Discovery Bible Study Group
Meets at the church alternate Wednesdays at 7.30 pm to study the Bible. Everyone is welcome.
The Leys House Group
First Monday in the month, October to April inclusive at The Leys. A house group with shared leadership on topics covering faith and its relevance in today’s changing world.
The Salt Shaker House Group
Meets alternate Thursdays at 7.45 pm at the Foster’s home for a friendly relaxed Bible Study and prayer.
St. John’s is pleased to be a Fairtrade Church, promoting goods which offer a fair price to their producers in developing countries. We use Fairtrade tea and coffee on the church premises and there is a Traidcraft stall on the first and third Sunday of each month after the morning service.
Churches Together
St Johns takes an active part in Churches Together in Sudbury and District.
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