For many years the churches in the Sudbury area have been actively sharing and working together in a variety of ways so that the Good News that God loves us all may be shared with everybody.
See our general poster and our leaflet .
See the Covenant , which was signed by leaders and members of local churches in January 2017. An earlier version was signed by more than 200 church members at and soon after a United Service in January 2007. It was previously renewed on 19th January 1997.
Read Church Chat August 2012 : A Year in the Life of Churches Together in Sudbury & District.
We believe that:
God’s love was expressed when his Son Jesus became a man and lived on this earth. He experienced kindness, devotion, admiration, rejection, betrayal, pain, humiliation, suffering and a slow painful death on a Cross. But that was not the end. Three days after his death God raised him from the tomb. Jesus Christ suffered and took on himself the sins of every one of us so that we can knowGod, his Love, his forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.
We are part of the national movement Churches Together in England.
If you would like to know more about what we believe as Christians you might find this presentation entitled Two Ways To Live useful.
If there are questions for which you are seeking answers please feel free to contact us.