Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18 to 25 January 2025
Please come to as many days as you can, bringing others with you.
This year, the Open Forum on the Thursday will give us an opportunity to explore different ways of praying in small groups, as we pray for each other, our community, and the wider world. This will include creative prayer, prayer walking and more. More information below.
The Week of Prayer is international and offers local opportunities to meet and pray with fellow Christians of different denominations. The theme this year is Do you believe this?
For 2025, materials were prepared by the ecumenical community at Bose in Northern Italy.
As we celebrate 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea, the worship service has at its heart, the Nicene Creed. Reflecting this, the scripture readings for this year focus on belief.
We are invited to reflect on the story of Martha’s confession of faith in Jesus as narrated in John 11:17-27. Each is called to sit with Jesus’ provocative question to Martha: “Do you believe this?”
The Week of Prayer is an annual worldwide event. It is a great joy to meet with members of other churches; please come to as many of these days as you can.
For Sudbury & District:
Day 1: Saturday 18 January, 8 – 9:30 am, Prayer Breakfast at Sudbury Quakers, Friars Street. About 20 people attended. We had a period of prayer after a generous breakfast and time for fellowship.
Day 2: Sunday 19 January, 6:30 pm, United Service at St Andrew’s Church, Gt Cornard . The service was led by Revd Jennie Ridley, assisted by Revd Caroline Glass and others. The address was given by Revd Jim Stewart, chairman of Churches Together in Sudbury & District. About 30 people attended.
Day 3: Monday 20 January, 12:30, Cornard Christian Fellowship. About 20 people enjoyed a soup and roll lunch. David Rout gave us a bible reading, and a time of prayer followed.
Day 4: Tuesday 21 January, 12:30, All Saints’ Church Hall, Sudbury. 14 people met for soup and a short service and prayer time led by Revd Jim Stewart. We were joined by Alex. He has recently been appointed as part-time children and family worker for St Gregory’s and All Saints’ churches.
Day 5: Wednesday 22 January, 12:30, All Saints’ Church Hall, Sudbury (short service, led by Ruth Ridge).
Day 6: Thursday 23 January, 7 for 7.30pm, Open Forum, Sudbury Baptist Church “Doing prayer, and learning about prayer”. More information below.
Day 7: Friday 24 January, 12:30, Bures Baptist Church (short service). The village car park is at Bures Community Centre, Nayland Rd, Bures CO8 5BX.
Day 8: Saturday 25 January, 8 – 9:30 am, Prayer Breakfast at St John’s Methodist Church.
Refreshments will be provided after most services.
For those leading worship and for those wishing to follow each day’s theme at home, the material for the eight days can be downloaded from www.ctbi.org.uk .
Pease download and display as appropriate:
· WPCU-2025-article (the above text on an A4 sheet);
· WPCU-2025-poster listing the events for the week;
· Agenda-January-forum-2025-informal the Informal agenda for the Open Forum;
· Diary-Dates listing key dates for 2025;
- the Forum poster