Churches in Sudbury and neighbouring villages marked the start of Christian Aid Week with a service at St John’s Methodist Church in York Road on Pentecost Sunday, 11 May. The focus was on empowering people in poor communities, and combating the effects of climate change. About 100 people attended, and representatives of local churches took part. The Revd Nigel Ford, Minister at Sudbury Baptist Church, gave the sermon.
There are house-to-house envelope collections in the Sudbury area as part of the nationwide Christian Aid Week appeal to raise money for emergency relief and long-term development in some of the world’s poorest countries. From 11 to 17 May, seventy volunteer collectors will visit 5000 homes in the locality to deliver and collect the official red Christian Aid envelopes.
Last year the total given by the people of Sudbury during Christian Aid Week exceeded £6000, and the organisers are hoping for an equally generous response this year. Taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by taking a few moments to fill in the form on the envelope. At no cost to the giver, Christian Aid can reclaim the tax paid and turn every £10 donation into £12.80.
Christian Aid works in more than 50 countries, helping people regardless of religion or race to improve their own lives and tackle the causes of poverty and injustice. Its partners in Burma are currently helping with emergency relief following the cyclone.
For more information about Christian Aid please contact Revd. Keith Horton, chairman of the Sudbury Christian Aid Committee, on 01787 376030, or visit www.christianaid.org.uk.