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Two vacancies at Home for Good: Suffolk

30 January 2025 No Comment

We are recruiting two positions to startApril 2025.

·       POSITION 1 – Coordinator for Home for Good: Suffolk.

8 hours fixed term one year (locality focus Babergh and south St Edmundsbury) .

Thanks to a grant from the Big Lottery Community Fund we are planning to widen and develop are work in this new location.

·       POSITION 2 – Coordinator for Home for Good: Suffolk.

10 hours permanent (locality focus Ipswich and Mid-Suffolk) Initially starting at 5 hours a week and progressing to 10 hours a week by July 2025.

These post is subject to an Occupational Requirement that the post holder be a committed Christian under Part 1 of Schedule 9 to the Equality Act 2010.

Both roles are Home Based but will require some travel across Suffolk. You will be required to work your hours flexibly to meet service demand.

For the right candidate there could be the opportunity to take on a Senior Coordinator role within either of these localities. Short listing and interviews for the Coordinator and Senior Coordinator roles will take place at the same time. When requesting your application pack please ensure you ask for the correct job description, you can ask to see both, and ensure that your personal statement covers the essential criteria for your preferred role. Please ensure your application makes it clear which locality and which role you are applying for. 

Co-ordinator role paid at £14.00 per hour.

Senior Coordinator role paid at £15.50 per hour.

Email Joanna.ward@homeforgoodsuffolk.org.uk to request an application pack.

Please ensure you ask for the correct job description, you can ask to see both, and ensure that your personal statement covers the essential criteria for your preferred role. When returning applications please ensure your application makes it clear which locality and which role you are applying for. 

Application deadline – Mon 17th February                Interview date: 3rd March (Hadleigh)

Melissa Naish,

Home for Good: Suffolk Coordinator,

07434 462860.

My usual working days are Mondays – emails received on other days may take longer to respond.

Home for Good:Suffolk is governed by Transforming Futures – Suffolk (Charity No. 1169250)

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