Two Rivers Mission
Two Rivers Mission
3rd – 11th May 2014
Through Faith Missions worked alongside of various churches in The Stour Valley sending teams to Sudbury, Acton & Gt Waldingfield, Springlands and Bures; bringing encouragement and building our confidence.
Literally 100s and 100s have been visited at home, chatted to in the streets, parks, pubs and shops and even on two train journeys to Marks Tey! Sudbury attended a Car Boot on Sunday morning. Starting with The Quay Plant Fair on Market Hill and then throughout the week, a Prayer Ministry gazebo battled to stand through atrocious weather with even an impromptu “Singing in the Rain”. Many shop people and passersby chatted and even wrote out prayers.
Some of the team left and went elsewhere as so many attended The White Horse “Grill-a-Vicar“ which saw two brave Ministers get a real roasting! It was such a success the publican has asked Rev Simon Gill to repeat it!
Through the atrocious weather on Thursday, the teams were in and out of Kettle & Fish which was extremely busy with folk from two coach parties to the town, a large Art Exhibition and the Christian Aid stand.
A Healing Service allowed time for quiet reflection and deep prayer. A group of lively young people took part in the “Any Questions”
This first week ended with a heartfelt Thanksgiving Service as we heard what God had done in The Stour Valley. May Colne Valley also have had Blessings Galore!
Thank you. You’ll never know this side of Heaven how valuable you have been alongside us in prayer.
For more detail of events in each area please see attachments or for personal contact Rev Simon Gill 01787 375334.
Eleanor Ridge, Prayer Coordinator