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St John’s Methodist Church Choir

6 December 2022 No Comment

 you enjoy singing and would you like to sing in a choir?  St John’s choir are keen to recruit more voices (all parts: soprano, alto, tenor and bass).  If you have sung in a choir in the past which is no longer meeting, or if you’ve ever been tempted to have a go, please consider joining us.  We meet on Friday evenings at 7.00 at St John’s.  Don’t worry if you don’t read music – not all the existing choir members do, and it needn’t be a problem.  We usually sing an introit and an anthem at our Sunday morning services, which start at 10.30 am.  We also sing several pieces at our Christmas Carol Service (this year on Thursday 22nd December at 6.30), and select special anthems for Easter, Harvest Festival and our Church Anniversary.

Just to introduce myself:  I’m (Mrs) Chris Willis, and I’ve sung with the choir since moving to the area 15 years ago.  I’ve recently taken over organisation of the choir from Ann Platten, who many of you may know.  If you’d like to know more about the choir, or, if you’re ready to give it a go, please contact me. With thanks and best wishes,

Chris Willis



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