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Reminder – Drop-in at Number 72

2 July 2024 No Comment

After 20 years working with families, and 17 years of those at Number 72, Tim and Joy Ayrton, Number 72’s founders, will be retiring. Do join us all on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July when we will be saying a huge thank you to them both!

The drop-in will be open both days for a “strawberry cream tea” where we will commemorate Joy and Tim’s foresight, commitment and hard work at Number 72. Do come along and wish them well on their retirement as they hand over the baton of Number 72. Since 2007 they have touched many lives through the help and support that they have given families and individuals in the area. If you are one of these people, or even if you are not, drop in for a cream tea; no booking necessary. We look forward to seeing you!

We have every confidence that the great work started by Tim and Joy will continue and many more people will be supported through it.  We have been very blessed by generosity over the years.  If you feel you would like to support 72 with its on-going work within the community, by either a one-off gift or regular giving, please go to www.number72.net/donate . Thank you.

Tim and Joy Ayrton will officially hand the baton over to Lesley Mitchell, manager, and Claire Walker, assistant manager.

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