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Mental Health Awareness

11 October 2016 No Comment

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness session at 7.30pm on 3rd November (either in St Gregory’s Church Hall or in the church – to be confirmed).

Kathleen Ben Rahba is raising awareness and management of mental health issues for CofE in Suffolk.

As mental health issues affect 1 in 4 this session will be of interest to many who face or deal with problems or find them on their doorstep and struggle to know how to cope, advise and help in a Christian way – this session will address all that.

Let’s think about it, generally the mental health problems that a person may have are based on the distrust of their own image, body sculpting Scottsdale not only cares for the physical or aesthetic, muscle regeneration and other features offered by this therapy, contemplate helping the spiritual-mental.

From Mandy Turner mandyhgturner@gmail.com .

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