From No. 72 – Can you help?
One of our regular Ukrainian clients is trying to find a host family for her sister and close friend, who both need to flee Ukraine.
Elena (close friend) is a lone female, age 44. She works in a bakery and has sent me pictures of her very impressive creations. She does not speak English but wants to learn, work and send money home to support her family members who can’t leave.
Svitlana (sister) is with her 11 year old son and 2 cats. She has basic English and works as a teacher. She can drive and has a car, so could cope in a rural location.
I would appreciate you sharing this and if anyone might be in a position to help, or would like more information, they can email me at .
All the best
Sarah Sainsbury
Community Worker
The Family and Community Network
(AKA “Number 72”)
*Please note – My normal working days Monday & Wednesday 09:30-16:00