Donations of homemade cakes requested
Donations of homemade cakes requested
Eden’s will be holding a fundraising homemade cake sale at Sudbury market on Saturday 4th July 9am -12noon. We would really appreciate donations of homemade cakes to sell on this stall to raise funds to help continue with the work Eden’s does amongst the young people of Sudbury and district. If you are able to bake us a cake please could you either drop it off at Eden’s Project , 45 Gainsborough Street between 7:30-10pm on the evening of Friday 3rd July or otherwise bring it down to the market as soon after 9am as you can on Saturday 4th July. If you can bake but can’t get the cake to us please don’t let that stop you! We will be happy to come and collect any donations, just call us to arrange a convenient time on 01787 375247. If you can’t bake please do come and support us by buying cakes. Thank you so much for your support.
Jude Ayling, Youthworker and Administration, Eden’s Project