Christian Aid Week – latest news
Christian Aid Week – latest news 19 June 2012
Grateful thanks to everyone who was involved in any way with Christian Aid Week. The late contributions have now been counted and the final total stands at £5,436.71. This is for Sudbury and Great Cornard and includes the offering of £345.46 at the United Service at Great Waldingfield. Gift Aid will increase the total. This compares favourably with last year’s figure of £5008. Thank You! Thank you poster .
There is more good news. The UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) will match the first £5m pound for pound donated to Christian Aid Week, enabling more people in poor communities around the world to work their way out of poverty.
Loretta Minghella, Director of Christian Aid, said: ‘We are delighted DFID has awarded Christian Aid Week UK aid match funding. Christian Aid Week has been running for 55 years and this is the first time we have ever received this kind of match funding for it.
‘It’s a major boost to our fundraising efforts in an increasingly difficult economic climate. The potential extra £5million will make an enormous difference to our ability to help poor communities around the world live in dignity.’
See also Splash out for Justice
Christian Aid Week Report 24th May 2012
Thank you poster.