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Christ Church Organ Concert

31 May 2016 No Comment

Christ Church Organ Concert

‘Music of Reflection & Inspiration’ is the title of an Organ Concert to take place in Christ Church United Reformed Church, School Street, off Gainsborough Street, Sudbury on Saturday 16 July at 7-30 pm.

The Organist is Roger Green, an accomplished performer and arranger of music. Roger is also the Chairman of the Friends of St. Peter’s Church Sudbury.

The Concert is being promoted by the Sudbury Gainsborough Probus Club. Probus is a Club for retired professional and businessmen, which meets monthly for a luncheon, and also for coffee mornings. These are opportunities to meet others in similar circumstances.

Admission to the Concert is £7, including Light Refreshments in the Interval, and the proceeds of the event will go to St. Nicholas Hospice and to the Friends of St. Peter’s.

Tickets can be obtained from Sudbury Library and from Compact Music in North Street, or at the Door.

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