CAP Money Course
CAP Money Course – “Manage your money, live your life”
The next CAP Money course starts Friday 1 February 1.15pm to 2.45pm at Number Seventy Two, North Street, continuing on 8th and 15th February.
This is a FREE three-week course devised by Christians Against Poverty featuring DVD presentations, a course booklet and group discussion to teach budgeting skills with a simple, cash-based system. After completing the course, where needed, there is an option of further email/phone debt counselling through referral to CAP Money Plus.
Please raise awareness of this CAP Money course to those who might benefit from it and where possible display the poster and mention in newsheets. Places can be booked/ further information given by contacting Ruth Woodman or phone/text on 07583 467190.
There will be a CAP Money course in the evening running at a later date tba.