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Bures Open Gardens

22 May 2018 No Comment

Bures Open Gardens

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th May. 

Up to 15 lovely gardens will be open.  The inside of St Mary’s Church will be decorated with a wonderful array of flowers. The Bures Art Group will be exhibiting their works.  Plants  from individual gardens will be available to purchase and we are also hoping to include a Horticultural stall.  Cakes and good quality books will be on sale and (weather permitting), lunches will be available on the Bures Common from 12.30 to 2.00pm.  If that’s not tempting enough, delicious cream teas will be served each day from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.   You can pick up your Programme from St Mary’s Church, Bures for £5.00 (this will include details of the gardens open to the public).  Everyone very welcome!
Proceeds will be shared between St Mary’s Church and  the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Service.

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