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Advent Art Trail

11 November 2016 No Comment

advent-art-trail-1-smallAdvent Art Trail

This December an Advent Calendar with a difference will be coming to Sudbury and Great Cornard. Churches Together in Sudbury and District are organising an Advent Art Trail around the town. As part of this trail local schools, art groups and individuals have been invited to produce A3 pictures on the theme of the Nativity and these pictures will be displayed around town in different shops and businesses, beginning on 25th November 2016.

Maps of the trail will be available from Sudbury Library, Kingfisher Leisure Centre, No. 72 and the Town Hall, and people are invited to follow the trail and find all of the pictures. The fun doesn’t end there however as all of the artworks will be on display in St Peter’s on 7th January 2017 and people will be encouraged to vote for their favourites. The two most popular entries will then be made into Christmas cards to be sold for Christmas 2017.

If you would like to find out more, please contact
Ruth Ridge: ruthkridge@gmail.com
or visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sudburyadventarttrail
and Twitter feed: @SudAdventArt https://twitter.com/SudAdventArt .

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