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‘A Healthy Mind’ Seminar – 1st July

24 June 2010 One Comment


Churches Together in Sudbury & District have organised the following event:

On Thursday 1st July 2010 at St Gregory’s Church Hall, Sudbury and commencing at 7.30pm.

The Rev’d Dr John Parr, team Rector of the North Bury Team Ministry and advisor on mental health matters to the Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich, will be presenting a seminar entitled ‘A Healthy Mind’ illustrating the impact the mind has over the body and how body, mind and spirit are inextricably linked.

Dr Parr is well known for his excellent, interesting and very informative lectures.

Entrance is free and refreshments are available.

For further details and to reserve your place please contact

Lynda on 01787 466180 or email: lseb@uk2.net

One Comment »

  • Malcolm S said:

    On a warm evening more than 60 people heard John Parr share his experiences of working in the field of mental health and the knowledge he has gained. We left with a great deal to ponder, and two helpful summary sheets, “What makes for wellness?” and “A Mental & Emotional Health Checklist”.