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Why Marriage

11 February 2011 No Comment

Why Marriage

Are you married and want to make you marriage better or help others improve their marriage or indeed help others prepare for marriage then this may be for you.

The Marriage Focus Group have been given the opportunity to attend a one day seminar entitled “Why Marriage”. Speakers will be Nicky and Sila Lee from Holy Trinity Brompton , authors and producers of the Marriage Course and Marriage Preparation.

The seminar, which will be tailored towards couples, will be at Raleigh Baptist Church on 26th March 9.30-4.30.

For further information or to make a booking contact Syd Platt, tel: 01787 310732 or 07545 068038. To ensure your place please book as soon as possible.

This opportunity is for any couple. See poster .

from Syd Platt [ sydplatt@jasyassociates.nadsl.net ]

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