“Who-Dunnit” Mystery Evening
10 January 2020
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There will be another of these popular evenings on Saturday 1st February 2020, arranged by St Gregory’s Church Events Committee and presented as usual by The New Venture Players.
As last year,
- The venue is Sudbury Bowls Club, which is immediately beyond the garage at the end of Quay Lane. Unless you have mobility problems, please use the large Quay Lane car park, not the small one at the Bowls Club.
- There is a licensed bar at the Bowls Club, so please bring your wallet instead of your own drinks.
- The main ticket sales will be handled by Mrs Sue Attride, phone 01787 881928, email splattride@hotmail.co.uk , although I will have some tickets for people I am likely to meet face to face.
The format of the evening is unchanged. The event starts at 7.30pm, with doors open from 7pm.
Tickets are £10 and must be paid for in advance (no later than Monday 27th January). A Ploughman’s Supper is included.
There is more information on the flier .
If you would like tickets, please contact Sue Attride as soon as possible.