Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021 – Monday 18 to Monday 25 January
During the eight days we usually have a United Service, a Forum, midday services followed by a soup lunch, and Prayer Breakfasts. None of these is possible this year.
We hope individuals, and individual churches, will mark the week using resources downloaded from the Churches Together in Britain & Ireland website, https://ctbi.org.uk/ . Materials have been prepared by the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland. Printed versions are not available this year.
Ruth Ridge is aiming to do a short reflection each day at 6pm via the St John’s Community Team Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stjohnsmethodistchurchsudbury . The video of about 15 minutes is available from the same page soon afterwards. Yesterday’s reflection for Day One had 42 views in the first 20 hours.