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Vision Day for Fresh Expressions

22 May 2013 No Comment

Vision Day for Fresh Expressions

I am organising a Vision Day for Fresh Expressions of Church that encourages people to think about connecting with folk who ‘don’t do church’! (Flier and Publicity Article at www.freshexpressions.org.uk/vision/ipswich13 )

Fresh Expressions works ecumenically and I work closely with ecumenical leaders who have a responsibility for this mission work in the region; Tim Yau (URC Ipswich), Matt Finch  & Jack Lawson(Methodist), Simon Goddard (Baptist).

I am part of the team that hosts the Mission Shaped Ministry Course which is open to all – see www.freshexpressions.org.uk/msm/cambridge13 for the course in Bury St Edmunds starting in September 2013.

On this year’s course we have a good spread of church denominations represented and for those in Suffolk I offer support for those engaged in new ways of mission.  These include Messy Church (x3); Football and Snooker; Acoustic Café; Community Choir and all are ecumenical.

I am happy to speak about Fresh Expressions of Church at Churches Together Meetings and have already spoken at Sudbury and due to speak at Halesworth Churches Together.

Dave Gardner, Director of Mission, Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich

Tel: 01473 298521, Mobile: 07731 442423

Email: dave.gardner@cofesuffolk.org

Website: www.stedmundsbury.anglican.org

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