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‘Unshakeable Faith’ – guest speaker: Eddie Lyle

8 October 2015 No Comment

Churches Together Joint Service – Sunday 1st November, 6.30pm

St John’s Methodist Church, York Road, Sudbury CO10 1ND

Please note change of venue

Come early for fresh coffee, tea and pastries

We are hugely excited to be able to welcome Eddie Lyle, president of Open Doors UK & Ireland to Sudbury to speak to us on the persecuted church. He comes to us just a couple of weeks before Open Doors celebrates its 60th anniversary at the ICC Birmingham. We hope you and your church will be able to join us at the Delphi Centre for this special evening together.

Open Doors is already doing much to help persecuted Christians stand strong and be God’s light in some of the darkest places on earth such as Syria and Iraq, but the need for its help has accelerated far beyond anyone could ever imagine. Yet, amidst the growing horror there are also many amazing stories of hope and restoration. This is an evening to come and be inspired.

Please download an ‘Unshakeable Faith’ A4 new revised poster and notice slide  for you to display in your churches and centres. Look forward to seeing you.

God bless,

Andrew Stewart-Darling

Senior Pastor, Stour Valley Vineyard Church

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