Many words have been spoken and written about the situation in Ukraine. The Christian perspective was the focus for Chris Eyden’s letter to parishioners last week. It was written the day before the invasion. You can read it here .
Many churches are supporting a Global Day of Prayer and fasting for peace on Ash Wednesday (tomorrow, 2 March).
There is a summary of church responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine at .
Please pray for Ukraine!
The Church of England is supporting the Pope’s call for a Day of Prayer & Fasting for Ukraine on Ash Wednesday. That country and the whole region is in crisis. May we stand with them in their need.
Tolik Deminko, a Christian minister with Ukraine for Christ in Kyiv, writes:
Please pray for us!
Please pray for God’s protection for our soldiers!
Please pray for safety for the people of Ukraine!
Radio Suffolk would like to know of any church initiatives in support of Ukraine and refugees from there. If anyone has information please send it to
At the end of this email is a message received this evening and forwarded by Roger Pullan.