Thomas Carter Charity
It is that time of year when we think about the Trust left by Thomas Carter and bring to mind anyone who might benefit from a small sum to support them in a time of financial hardship.
In 1706 Thomas Carter established a charity to provide on St. Thomas’ Day (21st December) charitable relief to poor citizens of Sudbury.
Individual written applications should be addressed to the undersigned giving:
• Name
• Age
• Address (and telephone number)
• Indication of whether they have previously benefitted from the Thomas Carter Charity.
Those selected will be invited to the distribution at St. Gregory’s Church on Wednesday 20th December 2023, which will take place immediately after the 11.00 am Holy Communion Service to which they will also be invited.
Mrs. C. Walker, Acting Clerk to the Trustees, The Rectory, Christopher Lane, Sudbury, CO10 2AS.
Closing date for applications: Sunday 3rd December 2023 but this could be flexible.