The Church of Tomorrow.
This book by John McGinley comes with a strong recommendation for individual reading or group discussion at churches.
Rev’d Andrew Doarks tells us:
John McGinley spoke typically with great vision and discernment at the New Wine Leadership Conference last year. His book, ‘The Church of Tomorrow’ argues that we’re on the brink of revival. It has formed the basis of our home group material at St Gregory’s and All Saints’ this term and has been well received.
I am delighted to recommend it as a great way to help all denominations think through how we got to the current state of the Western Church and how we can learn from past revivals in order to reclaim our churches as well as our culture for Christ. We do that by giving up all worldly authority and instead using the immeasurable power available to all God’s disciples that has become lost through cessationism.
This is the link to the book, if you wish to know more:
The Church of Tomorrow | The Big Church Read .
To order a copy and take advantage of a group discount, please email Claire Walker via no later than Thursday 30 November. The cost should be no more than £10. Payment either to Claire or to Andrew Doarks.