TEN talks by TEN speakers for TEN minutes
25 May 2016
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TEN talks by TEN speakers for TEN minutes – on the subject of communicating your faith
Whether it’s preaching from a pulpit, drinking in a pub or spending time in the park, if you want to sharpen your ability to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ in a culturally engaging way, then this event is for you.
Saturday 10th September 2016, 9.15am – 3.00pm, at Stowmarket.
Speakers to include Revd Dave Gardner, Sarah-Jane Harknett, Andrew Buttress, Ali Burgess, Duncan Banks and more…
Cost: £15 (Students £10). Group discounts available. Includes a free Barista coffee.
For more information and booking, see www.spectrumchristianstudies.com/ten-talks-event.htm.