Tearfund Big Quiz Nigh 2019
Following the success of last year’s national Big Quiz Night, Tearfund are asking churches to host another Big Quiz Night this year on Saturday 16th November. New Life Church will be hosting a quiz again at Thomas Gainsborough School G-Block with doors opening at 7.15pm for refreshments, to be ready for the quiz to begin at 7.45pm. Teams of 6 are recommended and there will be questions to suit a variety of ages. Tickets cost just £5 per person and there will be lots of delicious homemade cakes available for any donation to Tearfund. There will also be Tearfund Christmas cards on sale. Please book your team in with Jude Ayling on 07720049123 or by email on jude@aylingonline.com and feel free to print off the attached poster and display for others to see.