Sudbury’s United Reformed Church
Local charity HIVE is raising funds to buy the former United Reformed Church building in School Street, Sudbury, and turn it into a multi-use community space, which will provide accommodation to voluntary organisations, many offering services to the most vulnerable people in our community. We need to raise between £400,000 and £500,000 and have, so far, been promised £202,000, so we have lots to do.
HIVE Trustees hope that everyone in the community will be able to help us in acquiring the building by taking part in this public vote (see below).
The project is part of the Aviva Community Fund vote. HIVE could win £25,000 towards the purchase price and refurbishment of the building.
Here is the link:
You will need to register with the system.
Then type in the various boxes, the following information:
New Community Hub
Sudbury UK
Health and Wellbeing
You have 10 votes per person and if each person is willing to give all 10 votes to the HIVE project it will speed us on our way to winning and get us closer to buying the URC! Incidentally the ‘backing track’ on the Crowdfunding video is by Sudbury Choral Society, who will be performing the rest of the music at their concert on Sunday 18 November in St Peter’s, Sudbury.
HIVE Trustees would be delighted and incredibly grateful to have your support, and if you felt able to spread the news to your friends and families too, and ask them to vote for HIVE’s community hub, that would be great!
But please do so quickly as the closing date for voting is 20 November.
Thank you so much.
Lesley Ford-Platt
Trustee, HIVE
CIO 1165566