Sudbury Town Pastors
From Frank Marsden
Greetings in Jesus’ name.
I am writing to you on behalf of Sudbury Town Pastors, with a heartfelt plea.
This will be the 10th year since Sudbury Town Pastors was formed.
We believe that ministering to the people on the streets of Sudbury on Saturday nights between the hours of 10pm and 3am, during what is sometimes called the night-time economy, is something that God has called us to.
But for the first time, we are experiencing an acute shortage of volunteers.
We are organising a Town Pastors training evening at Sudbury Baptist Church, on Wed. Dec. 12th starting at 7.30pm, and finishing at 9.30pm. It is also an opportunity for anyone who may be interested in becoming involved, to find out more, be that as a Town Pastor, or in a supportive role at Prayer Base, or as a Home Pray-er.
This is an open invitation, of an opportunity for anyone interested in being involved in such a wonderfully rewarding avenue of Christian ministry, to come to the evening to find out more
Or to please get in touch with me to find out more.