Sudbury Area Cancer Support Group
Sudbury Area Cancer Support Group
Events in Sudbury for people with Cancer and their Carers.
Open to all people with cancer and their carers, not just SACSG members.
Cancer Rehabilitation Exercise Programme for People with Cancer
Sudbury Sports Centre, Tudor Road, Sudbury, CO10 1NP
Tuesday evening 7.30 pm for 50 minutes.
Cost £5.60 per session
For further information and a chat please contact;
Janine Potter Tel: 07949 098926 email:
Health and Wellbeing Event for people with cancer and their carers
The Stevenson Centre, Great Cornard, Sudbury, CO10 OWD.
Thursday March 3rd, 9.30 am – 3.30 pm. Lunch provided.
Sudbury Area Cancer Support Group will be there with a table to promote the group.
See poster for details.
The Macmillan Hope Programme
The Friends Meeting House, Friars Street, Sudbury, CO10 2AA
Starting Tuesday April 5th 2.00 – 4.30 pm
The Hope Programme is a self-management programme for people with cancer.
See poster for details.
Sudbury Area Cancer Support Group
Meetings held 4th Wed. of each month
The Friends Meeting House, Friars Street, Sudbury, CO10 2AA
For more information, or a chat about our group contact; Ruth or Phil Worsley
Tel: 01787 370978 or email:
Find us on Facebook