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St Gregory’s Fellowship

8 November 2017 No Comment

St Gregory’s Fellowship – revised information

November:  Our meeting this month is on the afternoon of Thursday 16th November 2017. (Please note change of speaker, as David Rout is unable to be with us.)

Christine Beedle, Retired MD and author of ‘The Essex Scrubber – Keeping it Clean’ will talk to us about setting up and running her cleaning company.  This promises to be an amusing talk which she will combine with slides and sprinkle liberally with anecdotes and humour.

We will meet at Quaker Meeting House, Friars Street, Sudbury at 2.30pm. Subscription £2.50, which includes Refreshments.   Trading Table.  All welcome, do join us.

From January 2018 St Gregory’s Fellowship will meet in the afternoons. Our regular venue will be the Common Lands Room at The Christopher Centre, Gainsborough Street, Sudbury. Meetings will still be on 3rd Thursday of the month and will start at 2.30pm. Subscription £3.50 per meeting to include refreshments. At most meetings there will also be a Raffle and Trading Table.

Our 2018 Programme is now posted on St Gregory’s Church website (go to stgregorychurchsudbury.co.uk/fellowship/ ) with copies available at the back of the Church.

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