St Gregory’s Fellowship
St Gregory’s Fellowship
Thursday 19th October. (Evening) We meet at 7.30pm in Church for a Visual Presentation by Dudley Chignall entitled ‘East Anglia – The Four Seasons’ Dudley is a keen walker, photographer, broadcaster, author and journalist. He will present some of his own photographs, which come highly recommended. Subscription £2.50 (to include refreshments) There will be a Raffle and Trading Table. All are welcome; do join with us in enjoying an interesting talk.
From January 2018 St Gregory’s Fellowship will meet in the afternoons. Our regular venue will be the Common Lands Room at The Christopher Centre, Gainsborough Street, Sudbury. Meetings will still be on 3rd Thursday of the month and will start at 2.30pm. Subscription £3.50 per meeting to include refreshments. At most meetings there will also be a Raffle and Trading Table.
Our 2018 Programme will soon be posted on St Gregory’s Church website with copies available at the back of the Church.