Sponsored Canoe for Christian Aid
Sponsored Canoe for Christian Aid
There are still some places for the sponsored canoe trip down the River Stour from Sudbury to Bures on Thursday 13 August. If you or anyone you know is interested in taking part, please contact me (malcolmsnow@onetel.com or 01787 374096).
Revd John Boardman of St John’s Methodist Church, and Simon Snell, Regional Coordinator for Christian Aid in Suffolk, are taking part again, together with others from Sudbury and Bures. If you are able to sponsor one of the participants, that would be greatly valued. One way to do this is via www.justgiving.com/John-Boardman4.
The amount raised will again be quadrupled by the EU and this year will go to a Christian Aid project in Central America, “Empowering women and girls”, to help marginalised women and girls in El Salvador and Honduras to secure their rights. You can download Country Factsheet and Project Information Sheet . Read more at www.christianaid.org.uk/getinvolved/communitypartnership/central-america.aspx.
Last year more than £1,300 was given by sponsors, which resulted in more than £5,200 for projects in the Middle East.