Special open meeting of Churches Together in Suffolk
Churches Together in Suffolk
We invite you to join us at this open Council meeting: Wednesday 5 March 2008, 7.30pm (Coffee from 7pm)at the United Reformed Church, Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, IP14 1AD (Park in town centre car parks nearby)
How inclusive are we?What do we understand by an inclusive church?
Presented by the Ecumenical Officers. We shall look at ideas of inclusivity in the widest sense – men/women, young/old, poor/rich, differing abilities, races, sexuality, traditions. Do we draw lines – and should we? How welcoming are we in our churches to those who are different? Can we learn from each other? Come and listen, give us your ideas, and we’ll share good practice. The talks and discussion will be preceded by a short business meeting of Churches Together in Suffolk. Further information from the County Ecumenical Officer for Suffolk:
Margaret Condick, 01394 448576 or: ctsuffolk@btopenworld.com