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Sea Sunday

11 April 2017 No Comment

Sea Sunday – a message from the Sailors’ Society

We are Sailors’ Society, a Christian charity who seek to bring Christ’s hope and transformation to the lives of seafarers and their families across the world – we’re based in Southampton and we are members of Evangelical Alliance.

We hope you don’t mind us contacting you! We’re trying to spread the word about Sea Sunday and our new FREE church resources to help churches understand more about our Christian ministry to seafarers.  We are hoping to get the below text and graphic into as many email circulars or newsletters as possible and so we wondered if you would kindly pass this information on to churches you are connected with? We’d really appreciate your help!

If you would like any further details then please do let us know.




FREE Sea Sunday resources for churches are now available from www.SeaSundayHero.org including activities for children & young people and a sermon preached by Hugh Osgood, Moderator of the Free church and founder of CiC International. Sea Sunday is an opportunity for your church community to pray for seafarers and to highlight Sailors’ Society ministry amongst this often forgotten people group. The website allows you to download resources instantly or to request a pack in the post.  Sea Sunday is marked annually on the second Sunday of July (this year it’s the 9th July) but Sea Sunday services can be held anytime of the year! The pack gives resources for a simple slot in your service or the whole service. Speakers are available too.  For more details contact Leila Hyde via lhyde@sailors-society.org


Chris Tuck ctuck@sailors-society.org

Public Engagement Manager


DDI:     +44 (0)  23 8051 5953

Mobile: +44 (0)7740 740051


Sailors’ Society

Seafarer House
74 St Annes Road, Southampton SO19 9FF.   Tel: +44 (0) 23 8051 5950
A Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England & Wales No 86942 at the above address.
A Charity for Merchant Seafarers. Registered in England No 237778.

“Transforming seafarers’ lives at home, in port and at sea.”

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