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Reminder – I am Mark 

27 June 2023 No Comment

St Gregory’s Church are delighted to offer Sudbury an opportunity to witness Stefan Smart’s incredible performance as he brings Mark’s Gospel to life. It is a superb and highly acclaimed, one- man act.  Do put the attached poster* up in your church and note the date. Come along with a friend or two. How better to spread the Word? “Sometimes it takes a living voice like this to make you hear the Bible for the first time” Archbishop Rowan Williams.

The “I am Mark” performance is at 7pm on Friday 7th July 2023 at St Gregory’s Church.   Entrance is free, but a £10 donation encouraged. There will also be a pay as you go bar available during the evening. Toilets and comfy seats. The performance will be in two acts with an interval. 

It would be helpful if you could indicate your intention to attend, via St Gregory’s Church event tickets from TicketSource.

Please note that this poster might not be suitable for home printers, as it has a black background.

For a printer-friendly version, on a white background, click: here .

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