Reminder – Fairtrade Fortnight – 27 February to 12 March.
Several years ago, Sudbury committed to being a Fairtrade Town and many churches committed to being Fairtrade Churches. Now is the time to review purchases made by our church and by each of us as individuals. Fairtrade tea, coffee and bananas are widely available. Chocolate and other goods can be found in places such as Oxfam’s shops.
When we buy products bearing the Fairtrade logo, we know that workers in the country of origin, and those in the supply chain, are guaranteed fair wages and decent employment conditions.
The Sudbury Fairtrade group met on 6 February 2023. Read the Minutes of the meeting.
Changing the world, one banana at a time! Read this article here .
If you are, or have been, a Fairtrader please get in touch as we would like to create a Sudbury area network to pool resources and help each other.
We’ll be at Sudbury Market on March 11th to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight – come and say hello!
If you would like to help with promoting fairtrade in the area, please email the steering group on .