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Reminder – CHANGE OF DATE – ‘Better Together’ – How can Churches Together help our Christian witness in the area?

18 July 2023 No Comment

An open discussion for everyone, on Monday 24th July at Glemsford Methodist Church, Tye Green, Glemsford CO10 7RH.

Bring and share picnic from 6.30pm (outdoors, in the grounds behind the church, weather permitting, so bring a rug or chair). Please don’t “over-cater”!

Meeting 7.30pm -Discussion and Prayer, and a short time for essential business.

Please see the CORRECTED AGENDA .Unfortunately, the wrong date was given in the agenda sent last week.

Please see also the Finances Report .

This replaces the meetings originally planned for Thursday 6 July and then Monday 17 July.

Please print and display the poster and encourage members of your church to attend and participate.

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