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11 April 2018 No Comment

Reminder – Alpha at Sudbury Baptist Church

We are hosting another Alpha Course at Sudbury Baptist Church starting from Sunday the 15th of April 2018, and we’ve decided to begin at the earlier time of 8:30 to 10am. Why so early you may wonder? Well, our hope is to enable and encourage people who want to explore the Christian faith but have other commitments at weekends, which means they find church difficult to get to.

By having it early you get the rest of your day! If anyone in any of the church communities in Sudbury and district know of people who would be interested, or if anyone has in mind someone they are praying for and would like to give them an invitation, contact Mark Ulanowski on pastor@sudburybaptistchurch.co.uk and he will send you some invitations.

It’s worth mentioning that our aim is to make this a space for people who are asking questions and exploring faith, perhaps for the first time. However, if you’d like to accompany a friend for the first few sessions that’s fine.

To book a place please get in touch with Mark Ulanowski on the email address above or follow the contacts on the Flyer.

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