Ready to widen your horizons?
Ready to widen your horizons?
23 people from 10 churches heard Rev. Dave Gardner unpack the principles of the MSM course last week. It encourages twin tracks: support the church as it is, but encourage faith sharing enterprises outside the 4 walls as well. (Email for a summary of Dave’s talk).
A number are already signed up for the course, starting 6th October. It’s not too late to join in! More details from Rev. Simon Gill.
Announcing Dave Gardner’s appointment as local Director of Mission (as from November) Anglican Bishop Nigel said: “…the task of reaching the unchurched and those who have heard nothing of the Good News is now urgent”. – Roger Pullan
Rev. Dave Gardner (St John’s Woodbridge) will be in Sudbury again next week, to explain more about the ‘Fresh Expressions’ movement.
It’s about helping Christians find creative ways to express their faith.
You will also hear more about MSM – the Mission Shaped Ministry course, spread over 9 months (evenings and some Saturdays). We have a group planning to attend this – you may want to join!
All are welcome to hear Dave. 7.30pm Wednesday 12th September.
Venue: Wesley Room, St John’s Methodist Church, York Rd, Sudbury.
There are some parking spaces at the church.
Please see the MSM leaflet.
For more info. call Rev. Simon Gill 01787 375334 or Roger Pullan 01787 372482.