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Prayer Breakfasts

21 December 2023 No Comment

There is a two-week break over the Christmas period.
We resume on Saturday 6 January from 9am to 10 am on ZOOM. Please contact host Ruth Ridge
(ruthkridge@gmail.com) to request a link, nearer the time.
On 13 January we are at Sudbury Baptist Church, at the usual time of 8am.
On 20 January we are at Sudbury Salvation Army.
On 27 January we are at Lavenham Village Hall, hosted by the church of St Peter & St Paul. *
We meet from 8 to 9.30am for a light breakfast, a time of fellowship and a time for prayer.
Do join us if you can. You will be most welcome, whether you have never been before, or have not
been for a couple of years, or are a regular!
*Please note that there have been some changes from earlier versions of the list.

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