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Prayer Breakfasts

17 January 2023 No Comment

This Saturday, 21 January, we are at All Saints’ Church Hall, Church Street, Sudbury, led by St Gregory’s. This will be Day 1 of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

We meet from 8 to 9.30am for a light breakfast, a time of fellowship and a time for prayer.

Do join us if you can. You will be most welcome, whether you have never been before, or have not been for a couple of years, or are a regular!

On Saturday 28 January we are at Sudbury Baptist Church. This will be Day 8 of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The list to the end of May 2023 is here .

Andy Jowitt writes:

Here’s the new Prayer Breakfast rota.  Thank you to all who have been willing to take on a hosting date.  There are 2 dates unfilled either side of Easter.  On 8th April (Holy Saturday) we have a hope that we’ll be busy with a Churches Together Easter outreach event.  For 15th April we’re open to offers.

See PRAYER-BREAKFASTS-ROTA-February-May-2023-v.2 .

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