Prayer Breakfasts
11 February 2016
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Prayer Breakfasts
This Saturday (13 February) we are at Lavenham Village Hall, hosted by the parish church. The hall is at the far end of the large car park beside the Cock pub (now The Cock Horse Inn), nearly opposite the church, postcode CO10 9SA.
On Saturday 20 February we are at St John’s Methodist Church, Sudbury.
Prayer Breakfast 27 February From Godfrey Miller
On February 27 New Life Church will be hosting the CTIS prayer breakfast.
We have changed location. We now meet in the TGS school, G Block, Wells Hall Road, Cornard, CO10 ONH.
This is about 300 yards further down Wells Hall Road from the old centre on the corner where we used to be.
Please ensure everyone is made aware of the change.