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Prayer Breakfasts

13 March 2018 No Comment

Prayer Breakfasts

This Saturday, 17 March we are at St John’s Methodist Church, Sudbury, 8 to 9.30am as usual for a light breakfast and a time of prayer.

On Saturday 24 March Prayer Breakfast will be hosted by St Gregory’s, but as it is difficult to heat the church building to a suitable temperature, Suffolk Road Church have kindly offered the use of their premises instead .

Future Prayer Breakfasts are:

31-Mar-18           Salvation Army, Sudbury

07-Apr-18            Suffolk Road Church

14-Apr-18            Sudbury Baptist Church

21-Apr-18            Wells Hall Old School, hosted by St Andrew’s

28-Apr-18            Glemsford, Old School Hall

Please note changes from earlier lists for 14 & 21 April.

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